Framework for a discovery workshop

Here’s a basic framework for a discovery workshop:

  1.  Introduction (15-30 mins)
    1. Welcome and introductions
    2. Overview of workshop objectives and agenda
  2. Context Setting (30-45 mins)
    1. Discuss business goals
    2. Review existing research and data
    3. Understand user needs and pain points
  3. Stakeholder Interviews (60-90 mins)
    1. Conduct interviews with key stakeholders
    2. Gather insights and perspectives
  4. User Persona Creation (60-90 mins)
    1. Develop user personas based on gathered data
    2. Identify primary and secondary user groups
  5. User Journey Mapping (60-90 mins)
    1. Map out the current user journey
    2. Identify pain points and opportunities
  6. Ideation Session (60-90 mins)
    1. Brainstorm solutions to identified problems
    2. Prioritize ideas and potential features
  7. Wrap-Up and Next Steps (30-45 mins)
    1. Summarize key findings and decisions
    2. Outline next steps and action items